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  • Date :
  • 11/27/2013

The Experience of Libya’s Talks

america and the weapon of talks

13 – December: including Libya in the list of states sponsoring terrorism

14 – December: Libyan people’s attack on the US Embassy in Tripoli

15 – April: US air attack on Libya on the pretext of its involvement in killing

16 – January: Reagan’s order to impose more economic sanctions on Libya

17- November: Two Libyan officials were accused of being the two main suspects in the explosion of Pan American airplane over Lockerbie travelling from London to New York

18 – April: Libya surrendered the two bombing suspects of the Pan American airline case to The Netherlands for trail.

19 – October: Beginning of public talks between the United States and Libya

20 – The trend of the talks showed that the more Libya withdrew from its stances towards the United States, the latter showed upper hand in the talks and finally the talks ended in the attacks on Libya in the guise of NATO forces

21– March: The beginning of the air attacks on Libya by international coalition forces led by the United States but not backed by Britain

22 – February: The UNSC issues the Resolution 1970 against Libya

23 – March: Hillary Clinton in Paris meets Muhammad Gabriel the Chairman of the Libya’s Transitional Nation Council

24 – June: Britain’s commitment to defend Libya in case it is attacked through “Joint Letter of Peace and Security”‌.

25 – January: Libya sings the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)

 26 – January: Presence of American and British inspectors in Libya to inspect the elimination and destruction of Weapons of Mass Destruction

27 – January: Transfer of documents and constructs worth 55,000 pounds related to manufacturing of ballistic missiles from Libya to Washington

28 – War

29 – August: Extension of the ILSA (Iran and Libya Sanctions Act, prohibiting investment more than 40 million dollars in both the countries) by George W. Bush

30 – March: Proposal to Tripoli to stop resumption of manufacturing of weapons of mass destruction and instead to lift the sanctions

31– March: Libya accepts the responsibility of Lockerbie bombing

32– August: Qaddafi allows the agency’s inspectors to search for biological weapons

33– December: Qaddafi agrees with disarmament

34– US and British demands from Libya:

• Elimination and transfer of its nuclear equipments

• Granting full and unlimited access to Agency’s inspectors

• Providing them with the information about the way of acquiring nuclear equipments

• Stopping all kinds of nuclear programs including research and production

• Full cooperation in fight against international terrorism and networks related to al-Qaeda

• Exposing Libya’s overt and covert cooperation during the last three decades with the groups mentioned in the US terrorist organizations list

• Giving full access to any individual or document to the United States

• Transparent and open cooperation with the inspectors and US and British representatives

35 – January: US ambassador to Tel Aviv, James B. Cunningham, announces concern about Libya’s conducts and opposes lifting of sanctions 

36 – January: Publication of Qaddafi’s son’s interview, claim by Abdul Qadir Khan, Pakistani nuclear scientist regarding the map of production of nuclear weapon in Libya

37 – December: Libya’s foreign minister announces Tripoli’s decision to eliminate nuclear and chemical weapons programs, commitment to NPT, Non-Proliferation of Biological Weapons, singing of Non-Proliferation of Chemical Weapons and permission to the Agency’s inspectors to visit Libya

38 - December: Elbaradei, the IAEA Chief, visits Libya

39 – February: CIA Chief, George Tenet, in a speech at the Congress accuses of Libya of having used Chemical weapons

40 – September: Libya agrees to pay and increase damages to families of victims of 1989 UTA airline bombing

41 – September: UNSC lifts sanctions against Libya

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